Benefits of Chiropractic Care In Pregnancy
Better positioning for baby during pregnancy & delivery
Less pain & discomfort during pregnancy
Faster healing after delivery during your postpartum care
The Webster Technique
Typically when we hear Webster, it is often times referred to as a way to FLIP A BREECH BABY.
Yes, by optimizing the natural physiology of the pelvis, we optimize the natural and optimal positioning of the baby, but we do not "flip" the baby. We help to create the space for baby to do the moving on their own. This technique serves to better prepare the woman's pelvis for labor & delivery through alignment of the pelvis- optimizing the natural positioning of the pelvis for delivery - which increases positive outcomes.
This technique also lengthens and relaxes muscles and ligaments including but not limited to the iliopsoas muscle, sacrotuberous ligament, and the round ligament.
Clinical Nutrition and Hormone Balancing
Many times women are told that the only way to tackle hormone issues-such as PMS- is with birth control. While there is a time and place for medication, there is so much more that a holistic approach has to offer.
Through clinical nutrition and supplementation, women of all ages can find balance.